Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Art Feeds

Art Feeds is a non-profit group that comes to our school once a week for 30 minutes.  It was created after the May 22, 2011 tornado as a form of therapy through creative expression.  Our kids L-O-V-E it!  Today, my kiddos were learning about how record album covers gave you an idea about the music within.  (Hmmm...possible Writer's Workshop mini-lesson....)

They listened to the Beach Boys' "California Girls" and talked about how they thought it should have waves and people in bathing suits on the cover.  Then with The Jackson Five's "ABC", it made them think about school and learning.  The Art Feeds ladies then had the students think about their favorite song and draw a picture of what it made them think of.  Here are a few of my favorites...

 Blak I pez (Black Eye Peas)
The River (sorry, I couldn't get it to rotate!)
And my favorite...
Sexy and I Know It
He told me he was so hot he was on fire!  Note the people in the flames!
Here's mine. 
I will pick one name from those who guess it correctly, song and artist, and they will win my newest pack, my Frog Life Cycle Emergent Reader and Retelling cards.  You have until tomorrow night at 9 CST.  Good luck!!
For more information on Art Feeds, visit www.artfeeds.org.

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