Tuesday, November 6, 2012

We rocked the vote...did you?

It's here...Election Day!  My little K's have actually been talking about it for a few days...ok, really just repeating what they've heard at home...YIKES!...but we've had a few discussions about what today means.

A few years back, I started doing a mock election with my kids, usually in February as part of my Presidents unit.  Due to the relevance, we held our own classroom election today.  We started by reading Duck for President.
    After reading the story and discussing why voting is important, we held our own barnyard election. 
Here we are at our polling booths...
 casting our ballot...
I voted!
The results are in...

It's official...Duck for President!
Afterwards, we read an emergent reader about Election Day from Greg at Kindergarten Smorgasboard.  Click here to get it for yourself!  It's free and SUPER cute!

1 comment:

  1. So cute! I love your voting booth. That totally beats my brown bag! :0) New follower - yeah!
