Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Deep Blue Sea

Summer School is winding down and we have fallen in love with Audrey Wood's The Deep Blue Sea.
Do you know this book?  If not, you NEED to have it.   As we were doing our activity today, I was thinking of all the CCSS  we could hit with just this one book!  Here's what I came up with:
K.RL. 2--retell familiar stories
K.RL.10--actively engage in group reading (Can I find a Big Book?)
K.SL.1--participate in collaborative conversations (after reading...what would you see if you were in
             the deep blue sea?)
K.L.1e--use the most frequently occurring prepositions
Not to mention colors, reading for enjoyment and following a pattern.  :)

So, all that to's what we did!

After reading the story, I asked the students to retell me the story one part at a time.  As they did I handed them a pre-cut piece (most I did freehand...the tree, parrot and butterfly I used clipart and ran it on the correct colored construction paper) and they glued it down.  With each new piece we reviewed what we already had on our picture.  Here's how it turned out!


  1. Audrey Wood is one of our favorites!

    Jessica Stanford
    Mrs. Stanford's Class
    I need your help! Come check out my last post ❤

  2. I love your super cute craftivity! Thanks for sharing!
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  3. Super cute! I'll have to check this book out! I'm a new follower :)

    Lovin’ Kindergarten
