Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sticker stories!

Do you remember as a kid how you would do just about anything for a sticker?  I have tons of those stickers you get as incentives from Highlights magazine sitting there collecting dust, so I pulled them out to use during Writing Workshop yesterday.

We've gotten in a bit of a rut with our writing and I was looking for a way to motivate my young authors, so I gave them a sticker to use as part of their illustration.  They were excited to be able to illustrate first and the quality of their stories and illustrations were wonderful.  

The squirrel found acorns and was in the tree.
The snake is brown.  It is underground.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, friend! It is funny you are doing stickers stories because I am doing them with one of my reading groups this week! When I pulled out my sticker tin, I thought of you:( I hope all is going well..
