Thursday, February 16, 2012

Kissing in Kindergarten

What a wacky week!  First, snow day on Monday, then back on Tuesday for a half day with Valentine's Day parties (we had in-service in the afternoon), then a surprise! you get to go to a workshop workshop yesterday.  Needless to say, I am cramming every little bit of Valentine love in that I can this week.

Today...we couldn't stop with the kissing!

This morning...we "kissed" a heart with a Hershey's Kiss to show phoneme isolation...
then rewarded our smart thinking with the sweet treat.  :)
Next came a guest reader, one of our Early Lit teachers, Mrs. Dobbs, who read us Froggy's First Kiss.
then we predicted in our journal what we thought Frogelina gave Froggie at the end.   They did an amazing job!

A box of chocolate

(my favorite) A peanut butter and jelly sandwich

a kiss

a valentine

During our Read Aloud we also read Arthur's Valentine and compared and contrasted it with Froggy.

I {heart} my class!!!!


  1. So much fun! Your blog is so sweet!

    I am your newest follower! I would love for you to visit me when you get the chance! =)

    Heather's Heart

  2. I was so excited to see your comment today! It was nice to "see" a "familiar" face!

  3. Can you explain how to plain your phoneme game more? It looks really cute!

