Sunday, August 17, 2014

Ready for a boost?

Some of you have already started back and I hope that all's well so far.  We as teachers started last Friday and as excited as I was to be back and get ready for our school year, it was so hard to get up!  Our students start on August 25th, and we are having 6 days of upfront PD.  My brain is already fried!!  Good news is, my room is done....bad news, Little Miss accidentally deleted the pictures off my phone.  I will take some tomorrow before our Kindergarten Open House and give you a classroom tour.  :-)

Regardless of where you're at in the process, I'm sure you're ready for a little boost. about another sale?

If you hadn't heard yet, TpT is throwing a one day, flash "boost" sale on Wednesday, August 20.  My store, along with hundreds of others, will be up to 20% off and if you use the promo code BOOST at checkout, you'll get another 10%.  What a perfect time to pick up those last minute items for back to school or to plan ahead (my big goal for the year!) and snag some great units or activities.

Here's a few things from my store you may find fun for your students coming back to school:

I hope you pop by my store!  Click on my button to go there!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Blasting off for Back to School!

If you haven't heard the news yet, TpT is having their annual Back to School sale tomorrow, Monday, August 4 and Tuesday, August 5th!  My store, along with countless others, will be on sale up to 20% off and if you use the code BTS14 at check out, you'll get another 10% off!
But wait....there's more!  Don't forget to go back and leave feedback for other purchases you've made so that you can turn those purchases into credit towards what you buy!  Win-win in my book!

Like every other year I've taught, I get really ambitious about things I want to try in my classroom.  This year, I'm going to **TRY** to move to a workshop approach for Math.  I've attempted this in the past and ended up merging literacy and math stations during my literacy block because I haven't been able to get the timing right.  So this year, I have math on the brain.  I also am looking for some things to help kick start my literacy stations a bit earlier than usual.  We normally start around October, but this year, my goal is the middle of September.  Ideally, I'd start day 1, but we have about 7 other changes being thrown into the mix this year, so I need a few weeks to get things going.

Want a peek into my shopping cart?  These are just the things that I've found in the last few weeks that I've wishlisted.  I'm sure once others start sharing, I'll be making a couple more trips to load up my cart!
So far I've got
Literacy and math in one!
Love, love, love Lavinia Pop!
I thought these would be super cute for BTS math centers!
I want to spend less time constantly re-explaining things.  Enter the "same game, different skill" mentality.  I thought these would be great for that, plus I can easily differentiate!
And, because one cannot have "too many" frames, I've thrown this in my cart.  I just love the curly doodle frame and noticed someone I've been stalking/obsessing over/bought a lot of their stuff lately/cough-cough*Tara West* uses in her products.

If any of these look good to you too, feel free to click on the pictures to go get it for yourself!  Happy shopping and come see me in my store!  Click on my button below!!